Uruguay: A Land of Endless Possibilities!
1. Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America, with an area of 176,220 square kilometers.
- Uruguay is home to the oldest functioning democracy in Latin America, having held regular elections since 1830.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with lyrics written by a woman, María Eugenia Vaz Ferreira.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national flag with nine stripes.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with no words.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with two versions, one in Spanish and one in English.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with a verse in a foreign language, the Italian “O Signore dal tetto natio”.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with a verse in a dead language, the Latin “Omnis terra adoret”.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with a verse in a constructed language, the Esperanto “La patrujo salutu”.
- Uruguay is the only country in the world to have a national anthem with a verse in a sign language, the Uruguayan Sign Language “La patria saludemos”.